Xero Training
Brigade Treasurers can now undertake training in Xero financial software online via Microsoft Teams.
This 1-hour session is run by personnel from Grant Thornton, the accounting company assisting the UFBA with the Xero project.
Topics covered include:
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Assets
- Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation
- Chart of accounts
- Liabilities
- Profit and loss
- Charities Service and FENZ reporting
Each session starts at 7.00p.m. and runs for approximately 1 hour.
Dates of workshops for the first half of 2021 are:
WORKSHOP 1 Wednesday 3 March
WORKSHOP 2 Thursday 6 May
WORKSHOP 3 Thursday 17 June
To register your attendance at a workshop, please go to https://www.ufba.org.nz/events-learning/xero-financial-software
Microsoft Teams
New Zealand