Accident Assurance Scheme

Had an accident while on duty or training? We can help you claim the difference covered by ACC in your lost wages.

The Accident Assurance Scheme (ACC scheme) is offered to provide financial assistance to enrolled volunteer brigade members who suffer accidents during approved fire brigade activities.  

Under the UFBA Accident Assurance Scheme, Fire and Emergency NZ volunteers injured in the course of duty can receive payment for loss of wages in the first week of injury and an allowance of 20% of wages for additional time of incapacity to top up the 80% paid by ACC.


"Just wanted to say a huge thanks to you guys for help it’s been awesome. Wouldn’t have got through it without you. Thanks very much"

To apply, download and complete the Application Pack below and submit it to the UFBA within one month of injury.

95.43 KB

The following forms are required:

  • A UFBA Accident Claim Form signed by the required parties
  • A completed copy of the Earnings Certificate from the employer (normally 4 weeks worth of the latest pay sheet)
  • A copy of the completed FSC 432 (NZFS Accident Report and NZFS Accident Investigation)
  • A copy of the completed ACC Certificate
  • A copy of any new medical certificate (when necessary).

Retrospective payments cannot be made.


  1. The UFBA administers payments for loss of wages only. Any claims for medical expenses not covered by the ACC should be submitted to the Fire and Emergency directly.
  2. Please note, schedular payments have tax deducted by the payer (the UFBA), but not ACC levies. You are responsible for payment of any ACC levies charged by ACC on schedular payments received.


Q » Who will pay for my medical treatment?

ACC will pay most of the costs for treatment. Variable surcharges incurred as part of the treatment will be reimbursed upon the completion of the ACC Variable Surcharge Expenses Claim form available from your CFO, Region Administration or online in the HR intranet under volunteer forms.

Q » What happens if my loss of wages is for seven days or less?

If the injury results in the volunteer being absent from their normal work for a week or less, and where, as a result of the absence, there is no income from the employer, you should forward the ACC accident form to the UFBA along with proof of earnings. The UFBA will administer loss of earnings on behalf of Fire and Emergency NZ.

Q » What happens if my loss of wages is for eight days or more?

If the injury results in the volunteer being absent from their normal work for a more than a week, and as a result of the absence there is no other income for the period, the volunteer should liaise with ACC as they will reimburse 80% of the volunteer’s lost wages.  The UFBA will administer the ‘top up’ to 100%.

Q » I've followed the process for making my claims, but I still haven't been reimbursed for all my lost wages. What should I do?

In some rare cases, reimbursement of lost wages leaves significant shortfall in the actual income loss of the volunteer. In such a case, claim for additional reimbursement may be made. Such cases for additional reimbursement will be considered. Claims should be submitted to the UFBA.

Q » What's the process for submitting a claim under the Accident Assurance Scheme? And what forms do I need?

The CFO/DCFO or OIC making a claim on behalf of the injured party must do so on the appropriate forms below.  The forms must be signed and submitted to the UFBA within 28 days of the incident.

If you have any further questions, please contact Megan Leggett on 04 237 0265 or email