Accounting 101 - Best Practice Workshop

Do you need help with managing your brigade's accounts? This is the workshop for you!

This training has been designed to provide a beginner level introduction to accounting, and gives fantastic insights that will help you meet your brigade’s accounting obligations - to FENZ and Charities Services.

The training will also provide fantastic tips, tricks & tools to put your brigade into a stronger financial position.

Topics Covered:

  • Accounting overview - why do we need / use accounting?
  • Accounting basics - explains how accounting works
  • Applying accounting - explains how to produce and read your brigade’s financial reports using accounting
  • Budgeting - useful for planning events, and for your upcoming brigade AGM

Also, if you are interested in getting a free Xero subscription set up for your brigade to help with accounting, submitting your annual return to Charities Services, and your FENZ brigade grant report, please contact Jane Davie ( and she will start this process for you!


2025 Workshop Dates coming soon!

Accounting 101 - Best Practice Workshop

Budgeting Workshop

Each session starts at 6.30pm and runs for approximately 1 hour.

To register, email giving your name, brigade, phone number, and date of the workshop you want to attend.