Brigade Secretaries' Workshops
We offer FREE comprehensive Brigade Secretaries' Workshops to strengthen your skills and help you gain insights into how to do your role.
This Workshop is delivered by UFBA Membership Support and experienced Brigade Secretary, Jane Davie.
In this workshop we cover:
- Role of the Brigade Secretary
- Governance of meetings - agendas, minutes, voting processes
- Rules and Regulations
- Services of the UFBA
- Service honours
- FENZ policies and guidelines
Attendees are provided with an exclusive resource folder which gives Secretaries all the information they need at their fingertips.
This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and network with other Secretaries. It's informative, fun, and relaxed. Workshops are held online via Microsoft Teams.
We also have our video resource library available on our website if you're not able to make it to our online workshops. These videos go through all the topics covered in the Secretaries Workshop - check out them out here:
Week 1 The Role of the Brigade Secretary
Meetings & Governance
Brigade Rules
Week 2 Service Honours
Week 3 FENZ Portal - Volunteer Hub and Shared Drive
FENZ Gratuity Payment
2025 Workshop Dates
Each session starts at 7.00pm and runs for approximately 1 hour.
To register for a Secretaries' Workshop, please email your name, brigade, phone number, postal address (for the folder), and the workshop you want to attend to Jane Davie at
Workshop 1 Week 1 Thursday 6 March
Week 2 Thursday 13 March
Week 3 Thursday 20 March
Workshop 2 Week 1 Thursday 29 May
Week 2 Thursday 5 June
Week 3 Thursday 12 June