How to join United Fire Brigades' Association
The UFBA supports, represents and unites fire brigade personnel throughout New Zealand. All types of brigades are welcome as UFBA members - our membership consists of urban, rural, paid, volunteer, industry, airport, and defence brigades. Discover more about our values and history here.
Brigade members - you may already be a member!
Annual subscriptions are paid by the brigade, not you individually, making the brigade the member and all personnel who are part of the brigade UFBA members, or 'enrolled members'. Our membership covers over 580 brigades and nearly 14,000 individuals who are part of those brigades.
Subscriptions for Fire and Emergency brigades is only 5% of the annual operating grant which entitles you to service honours, individual advocacy and support, attendance at Challenge events and workshops, and so much more. Most of our services are fully funded by Fire and Emergency to support both volunteers and paid personnel.
If your brigade isn't a UFBA member, get in touch with us to find out how to join and enjoy the full services described throughout this website - you could be missing out on services that support your brigade life. Please contact:
Jane Davie
Membership Support
Phone: 04 237 2683 or 0274 428 655
Email Jane
Associate Membership
Membership also extends to organisations beyond fire brigades. Associate membership is open to provincial associations and any other organisation or society that has interests in common with the UFBA.
Associate members are invited to attend general meetings of Association and may be invited to speak, but aren't eligible to vote. To find out more, contact us
Firefighter with young son at NI Firefighter Combat Challenge 2019. By Nick Cottrell/UFBA