Personal Torches for Firefighters are coming
We did it! Torches for firefighters are coming!
Earlier this year, our members highlighted to us the need for firefighters to have personal torches for their safety when responding to incidents with low or limited-access to lighting.
It is the role of the UFBA to advocate on behalf of the membership.
So, the UFBA put this proposal to Fire and Emergency for consideration and through our strategic partnership with them, we were able to inform and influence their decision-making process to provide all firefighters with specified Firefighter Illumination Capability (FIC).
These torches are expected to be rolled out in the first half of the 2022/23 financial year, allowing for the procurement and distribution processes to take place.
This shows the value in members continuing to engage with the UFBA as your association. We have a large seat at the Fire and Emergency table, we will continue to speak out for the membership and deliver results.