143rd online AGM
143rd online AGM, 5 November 2021
In light of the Government’s Covid alert level announcement yesterday, we have made the difficult but necessary decision to move your 143rd AGM online due to the uncertainty around where levels will be at the time of the AGM. It is to be held on 5 November 2021 and followed by online conference content throughout November 2021, featuring expert keynote speakers on topics requested by you in your feedback from the last conference. The program will be released shortly. This will be an opportunity for not only registered delegates, but ALL members to watch via live stream.
The UFBA Board and Management have considered the uncertainties around alert levels and large event gatherings. The risks that have been taken into account include financial, reputational, and member's safety.
Registered delegates will be emailed a unique login to the online AGM to enable them to participate, vote, and be counted towards quorum. More information will follow.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during these unpredictable times.
Registrations have closed.
Covid-19 disclaimer. Under current NZ Level One we will be progressing with planning an in-person event. Due to the evolving nature of the global pandemic we can only anticipate changes so far in advance. Should any changes be necessary these will be made with the best information available at the time of decision making and with a mind to manage UFBA funds responsibly.
via online link
New Zealand